50th Anniversary of Gateway Arch
In 1934 the Jefferson National Expansion Memorial Association was founded to oversee the construction of a monument commemorating the Louisiana Purchase. The competition which was opened to all United States citizens which also attracted many big names in American Architecture. There were over 170 entries. In 1947 Eero Saarinen submitted his design for the Jefferson National Expansion memorial Competition. What distinguished his design proposal was an arch of gigantic proportions that was to rise from a lushly planted park and be visible from afar. Eero wanted to design ” a landmark of lasting significance – neither an obelisk, nor a rectangular box, nor a dome seemed right on this site and for this purpose – but at the river’s edge, a great arch did seem right.” Saarinen’s design was praised for his interpretation of an old form using modern architecture.

The construction on the “Gateway to the West”, as the arch is refer to, has began in February 12, 1963 and the opening ceremony was held on October 28, 1965. This Wednesday, October 28, will mark 50th Anniversary of Gateway Arch. For the list of the events please click here to be redirected to the Gateway Arch website.
Below are the immages of the fireworks, held on October 24, as observed from our offices.