Fox Architects selected to design new Jesuit Archives
The words “Archive” and “Architecture” have similarities beyond a common root, the Indo-European “arkhein” (to begin, command, rule). You build an archive by collecting and curating the writings, objects and memories of a group of people. Architects build by beginning with an idea, and placing layer upon layer of intent on that original idea. Both are a collection of parts adding to a greater whole. Architecture and Archives have stories to tell.
The Jesuit Archives of the Central United States are in the process of re-imagining their home, and have selected a team lead by Fox Architects for this effort. We could not be more excited to be a part of their project!
The existing facility on West Pine in the Central West End is a place filled with stories of the past and knowledge for our future. The archives staff, lead by David Miros Ph.D. share a contagious enthusiasm for the collection and their work. They are growing, and with growth comes opportunity.
Their new facility (farther east on West Pine, near SLU) will feature an expanded US Central and Southern Province archives and as such is poised to become a major center for the American Jesuit community, researchers and scholars. It has the potential to radically broaden the audience and mission of the archives.
The team includes BSI Constructors, McClure Engineering and KPFF Structural Engineers.