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Fox Awarded USGS Nationwide IDIQ Contract
Fox will provide design services for the U.S. Geological Survey facilities and operations in 14 states.
September 7, 2018, St. Louis, Missouri: Fox Architects is proud to announce their recently awarded IDIQ (Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity) Contract with the USGS (U.S. Geological Survey). Fox was awarded Contract Area Five which includes Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Utah.
USGS is a scientific agency of the United States government which studies the landscape of the United States and its natural resources and natural hazards. They employ over 8,000 people and are headquartered in Reston, Virginia.
The USGS is responsible for, and maintains, a national bureau-wide facilities operations program which includes: planning, design, constructing, contracting, renovation, replacement and repair, operations and maintenance, value engineering, sustainability, safety, security and training. Their facilities typically consist of a variety of building types from administrative, laboratory, visitor centers to utility and storage buildings.
For this IDIQ, Fox teamed with Cole & Associates, Inc. for Civil and Sanitary Engineering, SSC Engineering, Inc. for Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing, Structural and Fire Protection Engineering, SCI Engineering, Inc. for Geotechnical Engineering, John A. Jurgiel & Associates for Environmental Engineering, Stravis Consulting, Inc. for Communications Engineering and Everest Estimating Services for Cost Estimation.
Some of the A-E services consist of (but not limited to) are:
- Design Services: schematic design and design development, value engineering and construction documents.
- Investigation Services: topographic surveys and geotechnical analysis and Comprehensive Condition Assessments.
- Planning Services: site, utility, infrastructure and facility planning studies and analysis including master planning and program support.
- Construction Management: construction observation and inspections including commissioning services.
In addition, the Fox team has already been awarded its first two jobs. One is for the Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center and the other is a new energy efficient mechanical replacement system for the existing EROS Data Center in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. This project will be a renovation and or construction of the Accessibility Systems for the building’s main entrance, internal spaces and restrooms of the Administrative Building on campus.
“The mission of Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center is to provide scientific information needed to conserve and manage the Nation’s natural capital for current and future generations, with an emphasis on migratory birds, Department of the Interior trust resources, and ecosystems of the Nation’s interior. Scientists at NPWRC study migratory birds, wetland and grassland habitats, pollinators, land management practices, and imperiled species in support of land management decisions and policies on private and Federal lands. NPWRC is located on a 600-acre campus that includes laboratory, office, storage, and residential spaces.” (*Source: USGS)
The team at Fox is excited to expand their Federal Government portfolio with this new opportunity to work with the U.S. Geological Survey. Fox has extensive experience doing work for the Department of Veterans Affairs in Tennessee, Illinois and Missouri.
To see the St. Louis Post Dispatch article click here.
To see the Construction Forum article click here.