Fox Wins Award at Canstruction
It was a busy weekend for Fox Architects’ team members Dani Sheley, Amanda Sullivan, Elise Novak, Adnan Omeragic, Allison Littman, and Zach Foppe. They competed in the 2017 Canstruction competition on Saturday at the America’s Center.
Canstruction is an international charity of the design and construction industry. Architects, Designers, and Engineers in cities across the country compete in a design-build competition to create giant works of sculptural art, made entirely out of canned and packaged foods. Following the competition, the canned and packaged foods are donated to local food banks in need.
Following Saturday’s build, Fox Architects was awarded Best Original Design for their structure “O Say CAN You See.” The sculpture will be on display until Friday, October 27th, when it will be disassembled and donated to Operation Food Search. We couldn’t be more proud of the team and their accomplishments.
A special thank you to Fox Architects’ Canstruction sponsors:
Color Art Integrated Interiors
Momentum Textiles