• High Spin Balance Chamber
  • Spin Cell
  • Hydraulic Pit
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MD&A High Spin Balance Facility

St. Louis, MO

Client: Mechanical Dynamics & Analysis
Year Completed: 2013
Size: 10,100 SQ FT
Project Budget: $17.4 M

Mechanical Dynamics and Analysis (MD&A) engaged Fox Architects to perform architectural and engineering services for their High Speed Balancing Facility (HSB). It is a 10,130 SF addition to their existing facility on Weber Road in South St. Louis County.

The HSB contains equipment and a containment cell designed to spin balancing turbines and electrical generators in a deep vacuum condition.  The equipment is designed to handle large utility company turbines up to 90 tons, spinning at 3,000 RPM.  This is one of only 3 similar type facilities in the United States. The large electrical load required a new construction of a new substation as part of this project.

Due to the possibility of turbine failure during balancing, a massive reinforced concrete and steel cell wraps around the balancing chamber to contain the force of a potential failure.  This chamber is over 60 feet in length and 35 feet in diameter with steel doors and an oil containment pit.  A rail system is used to off load turbines entering and leaving the spin cell.  The project includes a control room, building enclosure and associated site work.

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