Take (to) the Street – Gravois Avenue
On Tuesday evening July 15, 2015, I and about 75 others interested in the future of Gravois Avenue met at the Five Star Senior Center on Arsenal St to discuss the future of this unique boulevard that slices across the dense street grid of the City of St Louis’ southside. Spurred on by recent MODOT plans to improve traffic flow on State Highway 30 within the City limits, neighbors and interested citizens sat at tables of 6-10 each and brainstormed for an hour the possibilities and priorities of what it means for the several pedestrian and bike -oriented neighborhoods along its route to co-exist-with and benefit-from this arterial. Lots of good ideas, generally expressing variations on a common thread of prioritizing safe pedestrian engagement, while at the same time aiming for a less stop-and-go (albeit Slower) driver experience. Design Democracy Lives.